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트럼펫 연주곡 10곡 이어 듣기 - Mea Culpa(메아쿨파)

트럼펫 연주곡 10곡 이어 듣기 - Mea Culpa(메아쿨파) 01. Mea Culpa(메아쿨파) 02. Le Silence(밤하늘의 트럼펫) 03. Strangers on the shore(해변의길손) 04. Cherry Pink Apple Blossom(El Taconazo) 05. 밤하늘의 부르스 06. Concerto De La Mer, 바다의 협주곡 07. Dolannes 08. 로멘틱 트럼펫연주 09. 차이코프스키 - 나폴리 댄스 ( 트럼펫연주) 10..

A Lover`s Concerto(접속OST) / Sarah Vaughan

A Lover`s Concerto(접속OST) / Sarah Vaughan How gentle is the rain that falls softly on the meadow birds high up on the trees serenade the flowers with their melodies, oh see there beyond the hill the bright colors of the rainbow some magic from above make this day for us just to fall in love now i belong to you from this day until forever just love me tenderly and i'll give to you every part..