목사 · 선교사/Hillsong Conference1 Hillsong Conference 1-9회 -Hillsong Conference - 순번 날 짜 제 목 강사 1 2009/01/06 1강 Embrace the Grace of God Judah Sm 2 2009/01/13 2강 Worship, Evangelism, and Justice Mike Pil 3 2009/01/20 3강 Dog Name Fred Joyce Me 4 2009/01/27 4강 Jesus Sat on a Donkey Brian Ho 5 2009/02/03 5강 I Heart Revolution Joel Hou 6 2009/02/10 6강 Christian’s heart Darlene 7 2009/02/17 7강 What is Christian Robert F 8 200.. 2009. 3. 16. 이전 1 다음